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Daily Painting Challenge: 31 Flowers to Paint with Yao Cheng
419 users recommended this class to a friend
Michelle Balts
Yao makes it look so easy to paint flowers with watercolor. Her teaching style makes it approachable.
More than 3 months ago
Linda Barnett
So good! The instructor was patient in showing the various strokes and techniques. I really appreciate the way she made these flowers approachable. As a new watercolor artist, I needed her loose style and very comforting manner.
More than 3 months ago
I can't wait for summer and the garden so I can try painting in this style from real life.
The flowers start out simple and get more complicated as the class progresses and I was able to follow along!
More than 3 months ago
pat Palus
This was interesting. The one, big thing, I did not like is that Yao frequently uses a lot of water on her brush with very little color. It was very difficult to see what she was painting and the strokes she used when you can't see the results. Since she seems to like using invisible paint, it would be helpful if she would add a bit more color to the water to enable one to "see" what she is doing.
More than 3 months ago