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Advanced Acrylic Painting
108 users recommended this class to a friend
Jonas Marchinko
Jon does a super job of explaining his painting process and, specifically, why he does what he does in each phase. He also emphasizes, very well, the important take-aways from each demo, such as working from broad to more specific.
More than 3 months ago
Oluwaloni Adeniran
This is the course I've been searching out for quite a while. If you see Jon's art, you know he knows his stuff. When I finished the course I had a good jump-off point to understanding building up layers for art in the acrylic paint medium. It is a good course.
More than 3 months ago
Rishi Kaneria
I just love Jon Stich’s style and this was a great peak into his process. He’s a great teacher!
More than 3 months ago
alison fooks
great information about layering and moving all around an image with each colour not just working in one area. very informative and great instruction.
More than 3 months ago